Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Coin collectable started

coin collectables drawings are started. I am still working on the treasure chest. The Coins I am making on a sprite sheet so they can be animated rotating around. I will make the coin look more ancient and have chinese writing on it. I just wanted to start out with pictures of how the coin looks spinning around.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

real art

So i started real art for the game. This is a treasure chest that the player can collect money from. The treasure chest will be animated so i am drawing up a sprite sheet with the lid of the treasure chest open, closed. full of coins, and empty.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Concept ideas for items in game

I did some concept art for the game this time with pictures from the internet and some written ideas.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Concept art

a. Play platformer games -
1. analyze at least one in detail to determine what makes it fun.
The game I picked was from Rich Dad Poor Dad called “CashFlow”. The game ended up not being the same kind of platform we are going for in our game. It was more of a board game style, however, I did learn from the game. The game organized facts and stats so it was easy for the player to read and use. It was a 2d game and I analyzed the art style, which was probably done in illustrator. Overall the game was fun and I learned what I could from it to apply to our game.

So more concept art. I was assigned to do some concept art for the villans in the game. I drew several ideas for villans and some powers they might have. These were concept for the main boss and the end of the levels. With the villan concept art i also drew a few HUD ideas and elaborated on some concept ideas for lanters and the sword of light.
I will scan the concept drawings in soon.